Frequently Asked Questions

I need more information, can you help me?

Sorry, no. All the information that we have about each listing is available online.

Can I book by email or telephone?

We only offer an online service therefore we cannot accept bookings by email or telephone.

Do you own and operate the accommodation etc. listed on this website

We do not own or operate any accommodation at all. We are entirely independent.

Where do you get all the data about accommodation establishments?

The data is provided by the individual property owner/operator and/or reservation system, and it is their responsibility to ensure that it is correct.

Can you check availability for me?

We do not check availability for you. All availability is visible to you online.

Can you give me directions and contact details of accommodation before I make a reservation?

Once you have completed your reservation, you will be sent a confirmation email containing all the telephone and email information. The details in the confirmation email must be used to contact the accommodation regarding your reservation.

With whom am I making a transaction when I make a reservation on this website?

You are entering into a transaction with one of our trusted reservations partners and you will be charged by them. Which partner depends on what you are booking. You are not making a transaction with us directly. We are only bringing you into contact with the reservations systems used by the accommodation owners/operators.

Must I have a credit card to make a reservation?

Yes. A credit card is required to make a reservation and pay the deposit.

How do I cancel my reservation?

To cancel your reservation, follow the process supplied in your confirmation email. You cannot contact Travelaholics to cancel any reservation. Cancellations must be made in accordance with any conditions specified by the operator, and where such conditions are not specified you must cancel the reservation at least 7 days before your arrival. Failure to do so can result in your card being charged for the first nights stay (and further charges if specified). In the event of cancellation, the deposit and booking fee are non-refundable.

Can I amend my reservation?

You do not have an automatic right to amend your reservation.

What happens if I don't show up for my reservation at the accommodation?

In the event of a "no show", you may be charged for the full value of the reservation and this will be non-refundable (unless specified differently on the listing).

Have you found the answer?

If you have found the answer to your question, please do not contact us. If you contact us and your question was answered above we will not be able to reply to you due to the large volume of emails we receive on a daily basis. If you have not found the answer to your question then please feel free to contact us and we will reply as soon as we can.